We often get asked if, as dentists, we still make dentures. The answer is YES! “Denture” is a general term for a removable prosthetic that replaces either some (a partial denture) or all the teeth (a complete denture) in a jaw or “dental arch”.
Although they are being replaced by implant-based prosthetics as the treatment of choice in many situations, traditional dentures still have a place as a quick, economical and versatile platform for replacing missing teeth.
Fabricating conventional dentures is a bit of a dying art in general dentistry and so Dr. Hird was pleasantly surprised to find a couple of professional development courses on this topic.
In February, he attended a course at the University of Washington where Dr. Hai Zhang explained new advancements in applying digital technology in RPD design and fabrication, and described some of the newer materials for partial dentures. In March, he attended a three-day course at the Kois Centre taught by Dr. Jack Turbyfill, who is a bit of a legend in dental circles and is still practising (dentures only!) after nearly 60 years! He shared a lifetime of knowledge and insights that Dr. Hird has brought back to the office.
Although they are being replaced by implant-based prosthetics as the treatment of choice in many situations, traditional dentures still have a place as a quick, economical and versatile platform for replacing missing teeth.
Fabricating conventional dentures is a bit of a dying art in general dentistry and so Dr. Hird was pleasantly surprised to find a couple of professional development courses on this topic.
In February, he attended a course at the University of Washington where Dr. Hai Zhang explained new advancements in applying digital technology in RPD design and fabrication, and described some of the newer materials for partial dentures. In March, he attended a three-day course at the Kois Centre taught by Dr. Jack Turbyfill, who is a bit of a legend in dental circles and is still practising (dentures only!) after nearly 60 years! He shared a lifetime of knowledge and insights that Dr. Hird has brought back to the office.